Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sometimes we become afraid and retreat from what's good....

I remember wanting to write a book sometime ago but I didn’t have anything to write about. I take that back, I was lazy and non-motivated and I didn’t like writing nor reading. It was always difficult for me to comprehend a lot of the writings that I had to read during my school days not to mention that I needed work on my writing skills, Lol, I still do. However, the beauty of having a blog is that I can write exactly what's on my mind except if your an English teacher, please excuse my grammar and errors I make. Lol! I am such a Libra! Anywhoo, I was always busy living and enjoying life, going to school, working 2-3 jobs at a time, an internship, singing in bands or just by myself, making jewelry, taking care of my family, including being a mom, I was always either doing something here and there but my favorite is being a mom.

Just recently, I came across some letters from my past written by my high school friends, letters from my first crush and letters from my ex husband when he was overseas. I also came across journals that I have written throughout the years. Some of it I remembered, others I blocked out of my mind because of the abuse I experienced,in which I will share in my writings. However, I am grateful for the past experiences that I have had, my past relationships and frienships although some were unhealthy, have truly taught me how to respect myself. I gave up myself too many times and put my trust in those that mistreated my spirit for life. It's sad that I did not see it then but that's part of why I am writing now. I am hoping that through my experiences I can teach others to embrace the crossroads between saying goodbye to the old world and embracing a new beginning.  Sometimes we become afraid and retreat from what is good for us and stay to what’s familiar to us. The cycle of unhappiness, abuse, hate, anger, loneliness, and being taken advantage of and whatever else comes with the old life becomes comfortable for us to stay in that relationship and so when we turn away from whats good for us, our struggles starts all over again and we lose ourselves even more.

I say, change your ways, live your life to the fullest but not in such a way that hurts others. It's ok to have changes in your life, some people would say "I'm doing me!" But not in the expense of people you love. I always believed in the what comes around, goes around saying or as folks would say in my world, "lo que tu hace en este mundo lo paga en este mundo." (what we do in this world we will pay for in this world). Listen, I'm not the greatest writer or philosopher but I have several stories to tell and my hope is that one of my stories can help others. So relax,have some coffee, tea, or a glass of something and read my blogs as I take you on a journey into my world, The Ave Maria Marline series will be full of challenges, success and hope. So I'm trying to pass my goodness forward and I am asking readers to do the same. Discuss it with others, leave some comments to share with other readers.

Enjoy and Godspeed!

With much Gratitude,
Marline Cosme
"Ave Maria Marline" series

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